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EPA Misses Renewable Fuels Deadline

Ethanol Group Threatens Lawsuit

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency missed its Nov. 30 deadline for issuing final approval of the 2021 Renewable Volume Obligations, establishing the percentage of biofuels, including ethanol, to be blended into the nation’s fuel supply each year. The agency hoped to issue the RVO by the end of 2020 but failed to do so.

The AMA opposes increases in the percentages of ethanol in U.S. fuels because blends containing more than 10 percent ethanol can damage motorcycle and ATV engines and fuel systems.

The annual Nov. 30 deadline for the following year’s biofuel requirements is part of the federal Renewable Fuels Standard, authorized under the Energy Policy Act of 2005 and expanded under the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007.

The pro-ethanol group Growth Energy announced in December it planned to sue the EPA for its “… failure to follow the law” and deliver the 2021 RVO.

The 2020 RVO called for 20.09 billion gallons of renewable fuels, including ethanol and biodiesel, be blended into the supply.

None of the estimated 22 million motorcycles and ATVs currently in use in America is approved by the EPA to operate on fuels containing more than 10 percent ethanol by volume.