American Motorcyclist February 2018
BARF Issues Lane-Splitting Guide
California Group Frustrated By CHP Delay

Photo by Kevin Wing
The Bay Area Riders Forum, a regional motorcycle group in California, has released a set of guidelines for motorcyclists splitting lanes in that state.
Forum leader Denny Kobza said the goal of the guidelines is “increased safety and awareness.”
In 2015, California became the first state to formally recognize lane splitting as a legal maneuver for motorcyclists. The state legislature directed the California Highway Patrol to draft and issue guidelines for the practice.
Kobza and BARF members grew weary of waiting for the CHP to act. So, he assembled an experienced team of four motorcyclists with a combined 135 years of riding experience to create guidelines.
Kobza is no stranger to the lane-splitting issue. He initiated the action on the California Motorcycle Safety Committee in 2011 to provide lane splitting guidelines and was named the 2017 AMA Outstanding Road Rider of the Year for ongoing efforts. He continues to work with the CHP on its guidelines.
Kobza also worked with the AMA, ABATE, and other motorcycle safety advocates with Assembly Member Bill Quirk on A.B.51, which formalized lane splitting in California.