American Motorcyclist February 2018
Meet Jon Stone, New Jersey State Chapter Coordinator
Volunteer, Activist, Ready To Make A Difference

Jonathan Stone has been selected to be New Jersey’s state coordinator for the AMA State Chapters and Volunteer Network. Stone, 34, of Gillette, N.J., became an advocate in 2016 when he called a state senator to oppose a planned tax hike for gasoline.
He is an AMA member who completed the AMA EAGLES program. And he is a member of ABATE of the Garden State.
Stone is one of four state coordinators who have been selected for the program.
Each letter of the EAGLES acronym stands for an important element of advocacy: Education, Activism, Growth, Leadership, Expertise, Skills.
AMA State Chapters coordinators are AMA EAGLES members who have completed the Education, Activism, Growth, Expertise and Skills sections of AMA EAGLES training and have completed, or are currently working on, the Leadership segment.
State coordinators work with the AMA, individual AMA members and AMA District membership to recognize challenges and threats to motorcycling and the motorcycle lifestyle, to disseminate information, and to identify opportunities for AMA volunteers to make a difference in the motorcycling and greater community.
For more information, visit