American Motorcyclist July 2018
GHSA: Motorcycle Fatalities Down In 2017
Nearly 300 Fewer Deaths Nationwide

Photo By Kevin Wing
Motorcyclist traffic fatalities were down 5.6 percent in 2017, with 296 fewer deaths than in 2016, according to a preliminary report issued in May by the Governors Highway Safety Association.
The report, Motorcyclist Traffic Fatalities by State: 2017 Preliminary Data, projected that 4,990 people died in motorcycle crashes during 2017.
Among the leading factors cited as contributing to motorcycle crashes: alcohol or drug impairment, distraction and the aging riding population.
The GHSA said more states are considering ignition interlocks to reduce impaired driving. The group also is advocating for universal helmet laws.
The AMA strongly encourages helmet use but believes that adults should have the right to voluntarily decide to wear a helmet.