American Motorcyclist July 2018
Oceano Dunes Pollution Plan Approved
Section Closing To OHVs
The foredunes of the Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area will be closed by Sept. 15 as part of a dust-pollution control plan approved by the San Luis Obispo County, Calif., Air Pollution Control District Hearing Board.
The closure is a result of an agreement between the Air Pollution Control District and California State Parks, which manages the recreation area. A goal in the plan is to reduce dust emissions by 50 percent during the coming five years.
The intention is to reduce the amount of dust that drifts into nearby communities.
During the coming year, the agencies are to work together on a plan, conduct public hearings, involve a scientific advisory committee and increase monitoring.
According to, the approved agreement calls for closing the foredunes area as well as replanting it.