RTP bill seeks full funding
Klobuchar Calls For Accounting

U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar
U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) introduced the RTP Full Funding Act of 2018 (S. 3604), which would require a study to determine the best available estimate of the total amount of nonhighway recreational fuel taxes received by the Secretary of the Treasury.
The Coalition for Recreational Trails—of which the AMA is a member—requested the legislation as a step toward increasing the federal funding for trail construction and maintenance.
The coalition is encouraging other senators to cosponsor this bill. And the AMA is asking motorcyclists to contact their senators in support.
The federal Recreational Trails Program uses tax revenue generated from the purchase of fuel for off-highway use. While the program receives $84 million a year, estimates place the revenue collected at nearly $270 million a year.
The AMA recognizes the importance of the RTP to its members and to the broader trail community. The AMA supports the “user-pay, user-benefit” and funds-matching requirements of the RTP.
Through S. 3604 and other legislation, the RTP could be properly funded for the benefit of trail users nationwide and the communities where these people spend their recreation dollars.
The RTP has funded more than 25,000 trail projects since it was created through the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act in 1991. The matching state and local funds required by RTP ensure the user-pay, user-benefit federal dollars are appropriately leveraged.