Five Groups Challenge Federal Event Policy
Sage-grouse Plan Affects Permits
The Sierra Trail Dogs Motorcycle and Recreation Club, Pine Nut Mountains Trails Association, AMA District 36, the BlueRibbon Coalition and the California Four Wheel Drive Association filed a complaint in federal court challenging the 2016 U.S. Forest Service Greater Sage-grouse Bi-State Distinct Population Segment Forest Plan Amendment’s Final Record of Decision.
The organizations say the greater sage-grouse protections in the plan amendment imposed “significant restrictions on long-existing recreational access, preventing the agencies from considering permits for off-highway vehicle events” in the affected areas.
Specifically, the changes limit the number of available routes at the annual Mystery 250 event, which was forced to move from June to July in 2018.
The Mystery 250, staged by the Trail Dogs, has been attracting riders for 23 years to routes between Wellington, Nev., and Hawthorne, Nev. Members of the other four groups either helped organize the event or participated in it.
The complainants want the court to declare the sage-grouse plan unlawful and set aside the Record of Decision and require further review of the situation.