Rebuilding after tragedy
Yamaha Aids Sweepstakes Winner’s Recovery

David Craigie (center) with Jon Stychno (left) and Mitch Naegle of Factory Powersports, Santa Rosa, Calif.
When the 2017 Tubbs Fire in California threatened the home of David Craigie and his girlfriend, the Santa Rosa couple hopped into their cars and fled. They didn’t even pause to gather personal belongings.
The fire—at the time the most destructive in California history—killed 22 people, destroyed more than 5,600 structures and consumed 36,807 acres.
“We lost everything in that fire,” Craigie said. “We had no home to go to. It was pretty rough at first.”
The couple lost their rented home, their clothes, personal belongings and Craigie’s three motorcycles: a Harley-Davidson V-Rod, a Honda CR250 and a Kawasaki Ninja 250.
They began replacing items as they could afford them.
“You cut out the things you had, but that you can’t afford again,” Craigie said. “You don’t realize how much stuff you have until you don’t have it.
“Little things, like baseball equipment … Someone asks you to play baseball, and you say, “Yeah,” but then you realize you don’t have a glove or a bat anymore.”
Craigie and his girlfriend are buying a house now, along with Craigie’s brother, who also lost his home in the fire. And Craigie has been reassembling his stable of motorcycles.
“I have bought a Husky TX300 and a (Suzuki) GSXR-1000,” he said. “I am still looking for a Harley V-Rod that is dark gray charcoal. I haven’t been able to find one locally.”
In March, Craigie picked up the 2018 Yamaha XSR700 he won in the 2018 AMA Member Sweepstakes.
“That’s a great bike,” Craigie said. “I switch back and forth between it and the Gixxer. The Yamaha is more comfortable and relaxed. And I really like the retro look and upright riding position.”
Craigie said he was shocked to win the Yamaha, because he knew he didn’t send his name in to any drawings.
Anyone who joins the AMA or renews a membership during the calendar year is automatically entered to win the sweepstakes.
“I really appreciate what the AMA [is doing], making it possible to attend events and get together with so many people who share the things you like,” Craigie said. “That’s cool that the AMA makes that possible.”
Other winners in the 2018 AMA Member Sweepstakes were Joseph Dafoe, who won a Scala Rider Communication System, and Tucker DeWitt, who won a Shoei helmet.
The grand prize for the 2019 AMA Member Sweepstakes is a 2019 Yamaha Star Eluder.
Other 2019 prizes include: a Shoei helmet, a Cardo Packtalk Bold, an Aerostich R3 one-piece suit and a Helite Moto Airbag Vest.