President signs Scenic Byways Act
Program Set To Revive

Peter Norbeck Scenic Highway
in South Dakota
President Donald Trump signed H.R. 831, the Reviving America’s Scenic Byways Act, on Sept. 22.
The bill requires the Secretary of Transportation to request nominations for, and make determinations regarding, roads to be designated under the national scenic byways program, which has been closed for six years.
The AMA was part of the coalition that helped create this program in 1991 and played an active role in the efforts to revive the program.
The program provides resources that help communities along designated byways benefit from the tourism they generate, while preserving the characteristics of the roads that made them great destinations in the first place.
Even before the bill passed, officials said they were prepared to seek National Scenic Byway designation for 44 roads in 24 states.