Colorado County Fights To Maintain OHV Access

Forest Service Says Courts Must Rule

Montezuma County, Colo., is moving to maintain control of 17 roads and trails in the San Juan National Forest under federal law R.S. 2477, which grants counties and states authority over certain rights-of-way across federal land. The U.S. Forest Service is challenging the claims.

According to an account in The Journal, the county wants to allow ATV travel on the roads and eliminate fees for commercial users.

County officials also want to preserve motorcycle access to the Bear Creek Trail, which would be limited to non-motorized use under the pending forest travel management plan.

County officials passed a resolution in June claiming control over the routes, saying they existed before the forest was designated in 1905 and, therefore, fall under county control.

The Forest Service contends the process for claiming jurisdiction under R.S. 2477 requires a legal claim in federal court.