American Motorcyclist February 2018

The News Feed

Forest Service Considers Review Process

Changes Possible In NEPA

The U.S. Forest Service accepted public comment through early February on proposals that would increase the efficiency of the review process under the National Environmental Policy Act.

Of particular significance for motorcycle event planners is a proposal to increase the use of “categorical exclusions” to include previously permitted recreational events that have already undergone full NEPA review.

In other words, organizers would not have to complete the entire NEPA process for the same event each year.

The AMA sent an alert in January, asking motorcyclists to comment on the proposals. If you missed that one, sign up to receive future alerts at > Rights > AMA Action Center.

Motorcyclists Charged For ‘Free’ Ride

Toll Lanes Not Recognizing Exemption

Motorcyclists are allowed to ride toll-free on I-66 express lanes in the Washington, D.C., area, but many say they are being charged, according to a report in the Washington Post.

The tolls went into place in December. But motorcycles and vehicles with two or more occupants are exempt.

The Virginia Department of Transportation said laser scanners are registering some motorcycles as cars and charging the E-ZPass account of the owner.

Riders reported charges of $50 to $112 in the first month.

MAC Conducts First Meeting

Broad Range Of Topics Discussed

The federal Motorcyclist Advisory Council held its first meeting in December, tackling such topics as road maintenance, work zone regulations, automated vehicles and roadside barriers.

The 10-member council advises the Federal Highway Administration on infrastructure issues affecting motorcyclists.

The group meets twice a year.

Several council members are motorcyclists, in addition to representing specific areas of highway or infrastructure expertise.

Chairing the council is Mike Sayre, AMA government affairs manager for on-highway issues.