BLM, BIA sign off on resource plans
Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas Lands Affected

Credit_U.S. Bureau of Land Management
The U.S. Bureau of Land Management New Mexico state director has signed the environmental impact statement that relates to a major resource management plan.
Specifically, in March, the director signed the Record of Decision for the Oklahoma, Kansas, and Texas Final Joint Environmental Impact Statement associated with the Oklahoma, Kansas, and Texas Bureau of Land Management Resource Management Plan.
The plan governs land use and resource management decisions for public lands managed under the jurisdiction of the BLM and the U.S Bureau of Indian Affairs.
BIA regional directors for the Southern Plains and Eastern Oklahoma Regions signed RODs for their respective Bureau of Indian Affairs Integrated Resource Management Plans.
Within the planning area, the BLM administers 15,100 acres of public land and 4.8 million acres of federal mineral estate. The BIA Eastern Oklahoma Regional Office manages 394,200 surface acres and 2.03 million acres of mineral estate. And the BIA Southern Plains Regional Office manages 457,500 surface acres and 632,000 acres of mineral estate acres. The BIA-administered trust lands include multiple tribal jurisdictional boundaries.
The documents update land use management decisions for resource values, such as vegetation, fish and wildlife, energy and minerals, lands and realty, recreation and others. The document also facilitates future environmental analysis and permitting of Indian minerals.
Copies of the Final Joint EIS, BLM RMP, and BIA Integrated RMP are available for review at the following BLM offices: Oklahoma Field Office, 201 Stephenson Parkway, Suite 1200, Norman, Okla.; New Mexico State Office, 301 Dinosaur Trail, Santa Fe, N.M.