American Motorcyclist June 2018
Outdoor Recreation To Increase
Zinke Signs Secretarial Orders

U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke signed two secretarial orders in April to prioritize his department’s recreation mission and increase access to public lands.
Secretarial Order 3366 directs certain Interior bureaus to create and deliver plans to the department within 90 days that focus on developing or expanding recreational opportunities on public lands and waterways. This order also directs bureau heads to designate one full-time employee to oversee recreational opportunities.
Secretarial Order 3365 established the position of Senior National Advisor to the Secretary for Recreation to help ensure coordination of recreational policy in the department.
That position has been filled by Rick May, who is a motorcyclist.
May, who joined Interior in November 2017, is a retired U.S. Navy SEAL Captain and decorated veteran who served in the Iraq War.
Since his departure from active duty in 2010, May has worked with wounded veterans in various types of recreational activities, helping them to reintegrate back into mainstream America.